Student Research Assistance for Faculty Research and Creative Achievement (RCA)

  • This fund supports the inclusion of UMBC graduate and undergraduate students in faculty-led research and creative achievement.
  • Award Size: between $1,500 to $2,000
  • Deadlines: Fall (September 30); Spring (March 1)


The Student Research Assistance for Faculty Research and Creative Achievement fund is a new initiative managed by the CAHSS Dean’s Office to support our faculty members’ scholarly activities as we return to campus by making it possible for them to gain assistance from the excellent graduate and undergraduate students they teach and mentor.

Advantages of this faculty-student collaboration are two-fold: a faculty member can obtain approximately 100 hours of student assistance for their research and creative activities during a 12-month period; a graduate or undergraduate student can benefit from the opportunity to work one-on-one with their professor, receiving training and mentorship on research and creative methodologies, while being paid for the time they invest in the process.

Eligibility & Funding

This competitive funding opportunity for paid student assistance (up to $1,500 for an undergraduate student and up to $2,000 for a graduate student) is intended to support the RCA endeavors of CAHSS tenured and tenure-track faculty, lecturers, Professors of the Practice, and Research Scientists. Faculty on visiting or short-term appointments are not eligible to apply.

Approximately 12 awards will be granted each semester to support faculty-led scholarly and creative work. Awarded funds will be available for a 12-month period (for example: funds awarded in September 2021 must be used no later than September 30, 2022). Funding is provided retroactively to a department up to the amount that was spent on the supported student. No expenses can be reimbursed besides the salary costs of a student who is supported on an hourly basis. Note: Identified students need to be on payroll prior to commencing work. Graduate students with full assistantships need to comply with Graduate School policies.

Application & Review Process

Applications are accepted twice per academic year. The deadline for fall applications is September 30th; the deadline for spring applications is March 1st.

On this Google Form please provide a brief description of the proposed RCA project, the research or creative assistance to be performed by the student, and anticipated benefits to faculty research programs. Include the expected timeline and schedule for the work that is to be completed.

The Dean’s Office will review proposals and will make the awards. Limit one application per faculty member per funding cycle. Proposals will be ranked on the basis of the following: clarity of RCA goals, articulated need, student benefit, and faculty award history.

Expected of Recipients

Funding is contingent on the recipient identifying an eligible student to be supported by the award before work begins. Funds may be used solely to support graduate and undergraduate students at UMBC. Students must be paid on an hourly basis. Short final reports from the faculty awardee and the student will be required at the end of the award period.