The FDC is here for you!
Resources, Consultations, & Study Tips
Dear Colleagues,
As you
transition to online teaching and your students to online learning,
please remember that the Faculty Development Center staff are here to
support you!
Webpage Resources
We continue to add resources
for adapting coursework to online
teaching and learning to our Keep on Teaching webpage (see the "NEW!" tags). We are also working on a Keep on Grading subpage that will be linked soon (link added 3/26/2020).
Adjusted Syllabus
we all adjust to this difficult time, remember that caring for your
students and yourself are top priority. Rethinking your course design
and expectations can help. Consider the ideas one professor at UNC
Chapel Hill voiced in his "adjusted syllabus" below.
Study Tips for Students
Academic Success Center has adapted a great resource for students on
adjusting their study habits for the new online situation. You can find
it on their webpage. Consider sharing it with your students.
can request a phone, email, or virtual consultation with the FDC to
discuss strategies for adapting elements of your course to an online
in a way that meets course learning outcomes by emailing or any of us. For any technical questions about how to use Blackboard or other online teaching tools, please see DoIT's Academic Continuity and Available tools & resources pages, or submit an RT ticket through myUMBC Help.
Please feel free to reach out for support or just to let us know how you're doing. We're with you in this!
Linda, Kerrie, Jennifer, Tory, and Sarah Adjusted Syllabus
Spring 2020
Brandon Bayne
UNC - Chapel Hill
1. Nobody signed up for this.
Spring 2020
Brandon Bayne
UNC - Chapel Hill
1. Nobody signed up for this.
- Not for the sickness, not for the social distancing, not for the sudden end of our collective lives together on campus
- Not for an online class, not for teaching remotely, not for learning from home, not for mastering new technologies, not for varied access to learning materials
- We are going to prioritize supporting each other as humans
- We are going to prioritize simple solutions that make sense for the most
- We are going to prioritize sharing resources and communicating clearly
- Some assignments are no longer possible
- Some expectations are no longer reasonable
- Some objectives are no longer valuable
- Accessible asynchronous content for diverse access, time zones, and contexts
- Optional synchronous discussion to learn together and combat isolation
- Nobody knows where this is going and what we’ll need to adapt
- Everybody needs support and understanding in this unprecedented moment
Photo by Michelle Tresemer on Unsplash
Posted: March 24, 2020, 9:36 AM