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Ruken Isik Passes her Proposal Defense

As a committee member, Dr. Beverly Bickel (LLC) is pleased to announce that Ruken Isik, of LLC Cohort 17, successfully and skillfully defended her powerful dissertation proposal on May 30, 2019. Her title is: "Livable, Lovable, Grievable Lives: Kurdish Women Funerals in Turkey-Kurdistan."

Ruken is investigating Kurdish women's activism at the funerals of Kurdish women guerillas and women who are the victims of 'honor crimes' using feminist theory and methodology. The foundational question that this dissertation will address is: What moves Kurdish women to take action at these funeral sites?

Many thanks to Ruken's committee members:

Dr. Carole McCann (GWST), Chair
Dr. Amy Bhatt (GWST)
Dr. Mejdulene Shomali (GWST)
Dr. Emek Ergun (UNC at Charlotte, Women's and Gender Studies Program & Department of Global Studies)

Please join us in congratulating Ruken on reaching this significant milestone in her doctoral work!

Posted: June 5, 2019, 1:45 PM