Apply for the 2017 summer program at the U of Guadalajara
APLU has long been interested in increasing study abroad to Mexico. We believe certain universities/areas of Mexico should attract greater numbers of U.S. and Canadian students given the strong ties to key Mexican universities, the language-learning opportunity those universities offer, and the relatively low living and educational costs. I am writing to inform you about a particularly interesting opportunity for study abroad at the University of Guadalajara, a very active member of APLU. The University of Guadalajara is offering 100 scholarships exclusively for students at other APLU member universities to attend a summer study abroad program on their campus. The minimum number to operate the program is 100 and the maximum enrollment is 200. The scholarships are for both undergraduate and graduate students to attend their study abroad program running from June 12 – July 23, 2017. The first 100 students from APLU institutions to enroll will be eligible for a scholarship covering half of the full cost of the program. With this scholarship, the cost would be $1,250, covering tuition, room, board, as well as transportation to and from the airport in Guadalajara.
Posted: March 28, 2017, 11:03 AM