LAST CHANCE to apply for HASTAC Scholars!
Deadline October 15
The HASTAC Scholars application period is now open. Selected Scholars will serve a two-year term, beginning on November 1, 2016, and concluding on October 30, 2018. Read on for all the details you need to know in order to apply. Thank you for your interest!
This program is designed to be shaped by the HASTAC Scholars each year. The HASTAC Scholars program is directed by two Ph.D. students—Kalle Westerling (CUNY) and Allison Guess (CUNY). These two directors provide leadership and arrange opportunities for the cohort of Scholars.
What do HASTAC Scholars actually do?
- Participate in our annual University Worth Fighting For series—online or in person
- Blog about your own work and research projects, questions, ideas
- Report on activities at your local institution and department
- Share insights from conferences and performances
- Network both online and at local meet-ups or conferences
- Conduct interviews, book reviews, project reviews—your status as a HASTAC Scholar can give you a sense of standing to reach out to major people in your field!
- Are you interested in a new tool or pedagogical idea? You could host a small video chat with other Scholars to work through how you can implement it!
- Other ideas: Create an app, co-ordinate the development of a small DH project, work with your university library on a digitization project, etc.
- In short: every student ends up being active in a different way. We are open to how you want to help build this community or develop a supportive community on your campus!
To know more about the application process, please visit:
Dr. Satarupa Joardar and Kevin Wisniewski have been HASTAC Scholars in the past.
Posted: October 12, 2016, 7:29 PM