2nd LLC Graduate Student Conference
An invitation to our LLC Community
Dear LLC friends.
We invite you to participate with the 2nd LLC graduate student conference entitled #IAM, Intellectual Activist Movements: Reconnecting University Scholarship and Community Action on Saturday, October 1, 2016.
Patricia Hill Collins defines intellectual activism as “the myriad ways that people place the power of their ideas in service to social justice” (On Intellectual Activism, Introduction, p. x). In our program, we have an ongoing dialogue about the value of being an intellectual/activist. We offer this conference as a space of reflection and dialogue about the value of being an intellectual/activist: on lessons learned, on unanswered questions, on how changing socio-cultural landscapes interact with our work, and on what it means to be an intellectual activist in 2016 in Baltimore, the U.S., and internationally. The conference presents an opportunity to examine how your work enters this conversation as we ask: In what ways do our intersectional identities inform our work? What can we learn from earlier social movements that can further contextualize our current perspectives and methodologies for social change? What is different today in our cultural and social landscapes, and how does that impact our work? How might we reimagine university-community connections in ways that respect the different but essential roles of thinking, writing, and acting, and the dynamic interactions between them?
We really want to connect LLC students across cohorts, and we see our conference as an opportunity to facilitate our meeting and sharing of our research, community involvement and doctoral experiences. You can participate in a variety of ways:
- attend the conference and social hour;
- present your research or research interest as a micro talk;
- share an Art as Protest piece for that session;
- volunteer to serve at the conference.
We really would love your participation on Sat. Oct 1st, 2016. You can visit the conference website at https://llcconference.wordpress.com/. If you are planning to come, please register at http://tinyurl.com/zchouas Breakfast and lunch will be provided at the conference site. If you are willing to participate in any form in the conference or if you have questions, please email us at llcgradconference@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Posted: September 6, 2016, 8:23 PM