WISE Women Accomplishments - Spring 2016
Congratulations are in order for many of UMBC's WISE Women for Spring 2016:
- Marie desJardins (Associate Dean, COEIT and CSEE) will receive the Computing Research Association-Education (CRA-E) Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award during the annual Computing Research Association banquet.
- Helena Mentis (IS) has just received an NSF Career Award for her work on advancements in telemedicine.
- Penny Rheingans, (Director of CWIT and Professor of CSEE) has just won elections to the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association for a 3-year term starting this summer!
- Gymama Slaughter (CSEE) gave a TEDxBaltimore talk on her work to develop battery-free live saving medical technologies.
- Anne Spence (ME) received the Engineering and Technology Education Advocacy Award by the Technology and Engineering Association of Maryland (TEEAM) and is receiving one of the 2016 Board of Regents Awards for Public Service!
- Liang Zhu (ME) was just elected as a fellow to the American Society of Mechanical Engineering
Posted: March 2, 2016, 2:55 PM