Opportunities to Present Your Research
Hello Students,
Have you written a really good research paper in political science over the past year? Why let that paper sit in your computer? Why not present it to a larger audience?
There are two possibilities for you to present your work this spring:
1. The Pi Sigma Alpha undergraduate research conference in political science is on April 6th from 11am to 1pm. This is a smaller conference in which twelve political science students present their work to the political science student body and faculty as poster presentations. For this conference, we will be able to provide you a poster and a printout of your presentation using funds our Department's Pi Sigma Alpha chapter received from a grant. There will also be sessions to help you prepare your poster for presentation. If you are interested in this conference, please send a paper title and abstract to Carolyn Forestiere (forestie@umbc.edu) by March 3rd.
2. UMBC's URCAD (undergraduate research and creative achievement day) is on April 27th this year. This is a much larger event in which hundreds of UMBC undergraduates from different disciplines will present their work, either as poster or oral presentations. For more information and to apply for URCAD, please see the application form (due February 23rd) on this website: http://ur.umbc.edu/urcad/forms/
Both conferences provide an excellent opportunity for you to get conference experience and to engage with a larger audience about your ideas.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
All best,
Carolyn Forestiere
Posted: February 19, 2016, 1:08 PM