Casting Call!
Hi All,
Dr. Tyson King-Meadows is looking for individuals to volunteer for one day to help out with his research. What they are looking for:
Casting Call- Models
● 6-7 Adult Males (ages 18 +), 6-7 Adult Females (ages 18+)
○ mix of Caucasian, African American, and Asian to portray professionals
○ Will need to provide own clothes (Neckties and suit jacket)
● 7 - 10 young adults - men and women - Prefer first year college students
○ Mix of Caucasian and African American
○ Need to appear high school - college student range
No modeling experience required or necessary.
Must be available on Wednesday, 11/18, in the morning (likely starting at 9:00am) for two hours.
Candy will be provided for compensation.
If you are interested and match the requirements above, please send an email to
Please provide the following information
SUBJECT LINE: Photoshoot Model
Telephone Number:
At least 1 photo that is well lit and clear focus against a plain background
Please do not submit professional head shots or any other flattering photos that are out of date. Photos must be an exact representation of what you look like today.
Posted: November 11, 2015, 10:45 AM