LLC Alumni Highlights: Dr. Asli Hassan
Appointed Head of the CELT (Petroleum Institute)
The Language, Literacy & Culture PhD Program is pleased to announce that Dr. Asli Hassan has been recently appointed Head of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) at the Petroleum Institute (Abu Dhabi, UAE). Dr. Hassan graduated from the LLC program in 2011.
She has been a teacher trainer in the US and most recently was recognized by the State Department as an expert teacher trainer. This recognition has led her to conduct a multi-phased US State Department sponsored teacher training project. Her PhD research looked at approaches across disciplines, particularly in STEM Education and teacher development. Her most recent publications are all related to developing higher order thinking skills and academic success for engineering students.
We wholeheartedly congratulate Dr. Hassan in her appointment.
Posted: October 26, 2015, 8:58 AM