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Job Offer: Assistant/Associate Prof. of Language & Education

Teachers College, Columbia University

Teachers College, Columbia University
Department of Arts and Humanities
The applied linguistics and TESOL program

Position: The Applied Linguistics and TESOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University is seeking a scholar with demonstrated scholarship and teaching experience in PreK-12 TESOL education. We are particularly interested in individuals whose area of expertise lies primarily in content and language integration, including, but not limited to, pedagogical strategies in mainstream classrooms; linking mainstream content learning, core standards, and English language learning; collaboration between ESL teachers and content-area teachers; ESL teaching in the content areas; and ESL training of content teachers.

Responsibilities: Provide leadership in the program’s TESOL K-12 track. Teach graduate courses in some of the following areas: PreK-12 TESOL pedagogy, teacher observation and supervision, classroom-based research, curriculum design, materials development, and literacy. Supervise PreK-12 student teachers. Advise masters and doctoral students. Collaborate with teachers in schools. Participate in program administrative and development activities.

Qualifications: Earned doctorate in TESOL or Applied Linguistics; evidence of scholarly accomplishment in PreK-12 TESOL education; a record of successful experience working with PreK-12 ESL teachers and students; service to the field of TESOL and/or Applied Linguistics.

Rank: Assistant/Associate Professor, Tenure Track or Tenured

Qualified candidates should email the following materials to Professor ZhaoHong Han, Search Committee Chair, at tesolsearch@tc.columbia.edu: (a) Letter of application specifying candidate’s areas of research and teaching expertise and interests, including future research plans, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) three relevant publications, and (4) three letters of reference.

Application deadline is December 30, 2015. Appointment begins September 2016.

Posted: October 22, 2015, 7:38 PM