Hyperrhiz 12 - Special Issue "Mapping Culture Multimodally"
Edited by Craig Saper & Nancy Duxbury
Hyperrhiz 12
Special Issue: "Mapping Culture Multimodally"
Summer 2015
We invite you to access and share widely the current issue of Hyperrhiz, the peer-reviewed online journal specializing in new media criticism and net art. The contributions to Hyperrhiz 12 focus on different forms of analyzing, inventing, intervening, and theorizing space.
Dr. Craig Saper, co-editor of Hyperrhize 12, and Felix Burgos have contributed to this special Summer issue.
This is the Table of Contents for Hyperrhiz 12:
Border Memorial: Frontera de los Muertos
A public artwork by John Craig Freeman with critical commentary by Jessica Auchter
'Time Window Weimar': Students Map their Town's History through Augmented Reality
Lisa-Katharina Förster and Folker Metzger
Félix Burgos
Conversing with maps
Composing the Ordinary, Part 1: Beginnings
Petra Johnson
Interactive Sound Maps as Tools for the Transformation of Social Space
Marta Carrasco and Sergi Selvas
Conversational Mapping: Revaluing the Social Aspects of Art
Caroline Gausden and Helen Smith
Fluid Pixels: Communicating Water Sustainability through Digital Art
Alys Longley, James Hutchinson, Charlotte Šunde, Sasha Matthewman, and Karen Fisher
The Signifying Quilt: Creating Voice for Hurricane Katrina Survivors and their Stories
Michelle Ferrier
Craig Saper and Lynn Tomlinson
Mapping e-lit
Situating Change: Combinatory Writing, Collaboration, and Technopolitical Reality
Scott Rettberg
The Last Volcano / Det siste utbruddet
Produced by Roderick Coover and Scott Rettberg
Rats and Cats / Katter og rotter
Produced by Roderick Coover and Scott Rettberg
Nick Montfort and Scott Rettberg
Michael James Rizza: an Interview
Dean Casale
Marcus Rediker, Outlaws of the Atlantic
Jessica Floyd
Kelsi Nagy and Phillip David Johnson II (Eds.), Trash Animals
Tissa J. Thomas
Posted: June 29, 2015, 8:35 PM