Pi Sigma Alpha
Join the National Political Science Honor Society!
Hi Everyone,
The membership drive for Pi Sigma Alpha is now open. Pi Sigma Alpha is the National Political Science Honor Society. To qualify for membership, students must have completed at least 60 credits (have junior standing). Ten of the 60 credits must be in Political Science, and one upper level Political Science course must be completed as well. The average grades among the Political Science courses must be a B (3.0). In addition, students with junior standing must have a GPA of at least 3.1 and seniors must have a GPA of at least 3.3. A student need not be a Political Science major in order to apply.
If you are interested, please print out the attached application, fill it out and return it with a check for the appropriate amount (see attached) to Carolyn Forestiere's mailbox in the Political Science Department.
For more information, please see:
or email Carolyn Forestiere (forestie@umbc.edu)
Thank you,
Carolyn Forestiere, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Posted: February 5, 2015, 12:12 PM