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IMDA MFA alumna Nino Trentinella in Smith Journal, Australia

Castoffs bunkers from the 2008 war between Russia & Georgia

Some bunkers stand as makeshift cafes, bars and houses for workers along the windswept foothills of Georgia. Photographer and IMDA MFA program alumna Nino Trentinella returned home to capture the desolate beauty of the structures used during the five-day war between Russia and Georgia. 

A Foreign Affairs summary of the war notes: 

 “At first glance, the Russian-Georgian war of August 2008 seemed little more than the stuff of adventure-book fantasy: a reawakened empire going to battle against an old viceroyalty over a mountainous principality of negligible strategic value to either side. But it has had momentous consequences.”

Posted: July 23, 2014, 1:41 PM