Arts and Humanities Summer 2014 Courses with MCS!
In session one (May 27-July 3) MCS is offering MCS 222 (AH; 3 credits) on Monday and Wednesday from 1p-4:10p.
In session two (July 7-Aug. 15) MCS is offering MCS 101 (AH; 4 credits) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1p-3:50p.
MCS 222 offers students an introduction to the critical perspectives and research methods that are central to the analysis of mass communication policy and programming, new media, interpersonal communication, and audience reception. The course will provide students the skills to design and apply a range of interdisciplinary concepts and methods to media analysis projects. Themes of the course will situate various forms of media within specific historical and cultural contexts.
In session two (July 7-Aug. 15) MCS is offering MCS 101 (AH; 4 credits) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1p-3:50p.
MCS 101 is designed to help students critically engage with the media of communication, information, entertainment, and surveillance that surround us. Critical engagement includes understanding the history, political economy, and rhetorical power of these media. It also includes an introduction to the basic skills of multi-modal media production. Reading, writing, editing, composing, and publishing these traditional liberal arts skills are at the heart of this new media literacy, along with newer ones like remixing.
Posted: May 14, 2014, 5:09 PM