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Maryland Art Place - Steve Silberg 2014 IMPRINT Artist

Silberg chosen as an artist who has demonstrated excellence

Maryland Art Place (MAP) announced this year's IMPRINT Artist, Steven H. Silberg  and his selected image, stemming from a series of work titled, "For Love (089-b)". In its third year, MAP honors one singular contemporary artist who has demonstrated excellence within their selected media through its annual print reproduction program, IMPRINT. 

 The body of work entitled “Reductive Video” by Steven H. Silberg borrows the choice to depict changes in movement (either as individual frames or wholly contained in a single image) and applies it to the technical rendering of images. Using custom software written in Max/MSP/Jitter, video is broken down to reveal only the pixels that change from frame to frame, no longer implying form, but instead the shape of what has changed from the previous frame. Re-sequenced as video, the individual frames become reminiscent of Muybridge’s silhouetted running horse. These individual frames are also layered to become a single image, showing changes in shape, reminiscent of Marey’s use of lines on soldier’s uniforms – depicting a “wire frame” of physical movement.  


Posted: March 26, 2014, 4:38 PM