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Allied Media Conference

June 19-June 22, 2014


The Allied Media Conference cultivates strategies for a more just and creative world. We come together to share tools and tactics for transforming our communities through media-based organizing. The conference will be held from Thursday, June 19 to Sunday, June 22, 2014.The conference schedule overview can be seen here. Thursday, June 19 is reserved for pre-conference Network Gatherings and special strategy sessions. The conference will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, June 20 and continues through Sunday evening, June 22.

AMC Mission
The Allied Media Conference is a collaborative laboratory of media-based organizing strategies for transforming our world, held every Summer in Detroit.

CREATE: At the AMC, we understand media as any way in which we communicate with the world, from zines to breakdancing, to designing neighborhood-based communications infrastructure. We share and create media that exposes, investigates, heals, builds confidence and radical hope, incites dialogue and debate. We demystify technology, not only learning how to use it, but how to design and build our own.  In doing so, we redefine technology’s role and impact in our lives. The AMC creates learning environments for all ages and skill levels, including hands-on workshops, strategy sessions, presentations and performances.

CONNECT: The AMC is a network of networks – social justice organizers, community technologists, transformative artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and many others -- all using media in innovative ways. Some of these networks sprout from the conference, grow over the course of the year then reconvene in Detroit larger and healthier. Others use the AMC as an annual point of convergence and a space to forge new relationships. Through cycles of participatory investigation and experimentation, our networks continue to grow, generating new theories and practices of media-based organizing.

TRANSFORM: As our networks grow, so does our capacity to take collective actions to transform our world. At the AMC, we develop new leaders and new forms of leadership, design new methods of problem-solving, cultivate the visions of our communities and build our power to make those visions real.

For more information about this conference as well as how to register, click here.

Posted: March 5, 2014, 2:04 AM