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A Great Opportunity to Take GES 386 This Summer!

Get a leg-up on your GES coursework!

Here’s my advice as a fourth-year GES student: Take GES 386 as soon as possible! 386 is notorious for filling up quickly during the Fall and Spring semesters. Luckily, if you’ve already taken 286 or if you’re a grad student, you can beat the crowd!

Professor Kaylor will be teaching two sections of GES 386 during UMBC’s Summer Session II. One section will meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 1pm, and the other on Monday and Wednesday at 4:30pm. Each meeting will last about 2.5 hours with additional time allotted for working on assignments in the computer lab.

GES 386: “Introduction to GIS” explores analytical tools and workflows that will give you the foundational skills to excel in GIS. The six-week time frame will make the work schedule more compressed, but there will be ample time for group collaboration and one-on-one time with the professor and TA.

The typical class meeting will include discussions of ongoing and past assignments, a lecture or demonstration of new material, and lab (computer) time. Work can be done independently or in small groups based on that week’s topic. Lab assignments can be completed at home or in-person; you can make that decision based on your schedule and what environment you work best in.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Charlie Kaylor at ckaylor@umbc.edu. He is more than happy to work with you to reach your goals!

Posted: June 17, 2024, 8:58 AM