Research and Process, featuring faculty and students
February 14, 12-noon, CADVC Gallery, Fine Arts, 1st Floor
Research and Process, featuring faculty and students involved in the "Can You Catch a Deep Fake?" and "Artifacts" research projects
Join researchers Lee Boot, Christine Mallinson, and research assistants, Lavon Davis and Zahra Khanjani, for intimate discussions about two critical research activities at UMBC, focused on the topics of climate science and Deep Fake audio technologies. Both of these interdisciplinary research activities use visualization strategies to interpret and understand important changes in our environment and culture. The format of the conversation will be a gallery tour followed by Q+A.
Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture (CADVC) is pleased to present "Spectrum of Process,' an exhibition highlighting a range of UMBC faculty approaches to art and culture through rigorous, experimental processes. The exhibition is interdisciplinary, including works of fine art, design, pedagogy, and the visual culture of research.
If you need any specific accommodation at one of our events or to experience an exhibition, please contact CADVC at or 410-455-3188 as soon as possible.
Learn more about Public Programs here.
Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture
UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle
Fine Arts Building, 105
Baltimore, MD 21250
(410) 455-3188
Images: 1. Header: Chunky golden text of exhibition logo. 2. At the center of a colorful graphic design is a white circle with the text "Artistic Methods." A star diagram encircles the central title. Wooden disks, with individual researchers' names hand-printed on them, rest on the points of the star. Colorful overlapping circles surround the star at the perimeter of this square-cropped image.
Posted: February 13, 2024, 12:10 PM