Graduating GES PhD Students: Dissertations & Future Plans
New Doctor(ate)s in the House!
Congratulations graduating GES PhD students! Here's to celebrating your degree completion, successful dissertation defenses, and future plans!
Ohad Paris
- Dissertation: "Ecological and Behavioral Effects on the Reproductive Success of Urban Northern Cardinals"
- Future Plans: Research
J.H. Pitas
- Dissertation: "Waste Infrastructure as Strategy: Constructing Capitalism with Waste in Baltimore, Maryland, USA"
- Future Plans: Currently part-time adjunct professor, hoping to start teaching full-time at the college level in the fall
Karyn Tabor
- Dissertation: "Achieving Multiple Conservation Goals with Satellite-Based Monitoring and Alert Systems"
- Future Plans: Continue role as a senior research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center while taking on a research position affiliated with NASA/UMBC GESTAR II
We applaud the hard work you've invested in these exciting achievements and can't wait to hear more about what you do next!
Posted: May 23, 2023, 4:47 PM