Local Election Internship Opportunities
Paul Dongarra County Council Campaign Seeking Interns
Seeking Interns for progressive grassroots campaign for Baltimore County Council, District One. This is a non-paid internship and requires vaccination against COVID-19.
Position Availability: 2021-22 Winter Session and 2022 Spring Semester
Time Commitment: Flexible based on specific internship requirements. UMBC resides within the district making for easy scheduling while classes are in session.
Apply Here: https://forms.gle/eV9oMTbb5UXnj7e9A
More information please contact: Paul Dongarra, 410-733-6077 or paul@standwithpaul.com
Paul Dongarra is Democratic Candidate for the Baltimore County Council in District One in which UMBC resides. His progressive policies are rooted in social justice, environmentalism, and campaign finance reform. His educational approach to campaigning allows for full expression of volunteer participation to actively engage voters to advance the issues represented in the platform. To learn more visit, PaulforCouncil.org
Posted: October 29, 2021, 11:22 AM