Join the Maryland Student Legislature Today!
Network with Young Activists and Aspiring Policy-Makers
The Political Science department is launching a new Chapter of the Maryland Student
Legislature (MSL) starting this fall. MSL brings together delegations of students from campuses
across the state in a simulation of the Maryland General Assembly.
Throughout the school year,
students work with their campus delegation and attend training sessions with college students
from around the state to develop legislation and prepare to debate it at a mock weekend
session held each spring in the real General Assembly chambers in Annapolis.
students learn how to write original legislation, learn parliamentary procedure, and hone their
speech, debate, and political skills gaining in-depth knowledge of the Maryland General
Assembly and real-world experience working within the legislative process! Students will have
the opportunity to network with other young activists and aspiring policy-makers, learning skills
that prepare them for careers in public service. They also receive invitations to a speaker series
featuring state elected officials.
The 33rd Annual Session will be held in-person in the State House from April 29-May 1, 2022.
Members of UMBC’s MSL delegation can earn academic credit for their participation by
enrolling in POLI 341, a one-credit course (repeatable for four semesters). s. . To learn more
about the Maryland Student Legislature, please visit For reference, attached are
previous years’ MSL course syllabi.
Several years ago, UMBC won MSL’s best delegation award. The Political Science Council of
Majors now highly urges students to get involved and start-up the delegation once more.
Currently, the organization is in its beginning stages and we need a critical mass of invested
students to launch the chapter. Please reach out to Dr. Laura Hussey (
and Rehman Liaqat ( if interested or for any further questions.
Posted: September 7, 2021, 11:55 AM