Check out the art events we’re looking forward to this week!
Feat. Colette Searls (UMBC Thtr) & Kelley Bell (UMBC VisArt)
UMBC’s CIRCA presents THING THEATRE, Thursday, June 24 at 8pm on zoom! This event is online and free, featuring work from Maryland puppetry artists Schroeder Cherry, Dirk Joseph, and Colette Searls. Susan Stroupe will host the event and moderate a live Q&A with the artists.
On Saturday, June 26 from 10:30am-12:30pm the Maryland Art Place will be hosting a free Thing Theatre Workshop. Puppetry artist Colette Searls (UMBC Theatre) and designer Kelley Bell (UMBC Visual Arts) will guide participants in this in-person workshop to make “disposable puppets,” bring them to life, and build them a tiny modular home! Open to artists and non-artists alike.
Register here:
Both events are supported by the Maryland State Arts Council through a Maryland Traditions Folklife Network Grant.
Posted: June 23, 2021, 2:09 PM