The FDC is here to support you this summer!
Consultations, services, resources & eBooks!
Dear Colleagues,
As you
refine summer classes and prepare for fall classes, whether online,
hybrid, or face-to-face, please remember that the Faculty Development
Center staff are here during the summer and continue to provide
resources and services to support you!
Please feel free to reach out for suggestions, someone to brainstorm with, or just to check in.
We are here to help with course design, pedagogical research ideas, and assessment concerns.
Please email or any of us to request a phone, email, or virtual consultation with the FDC to discuss
just about anything related to teaching and learning!
CATALyst and Observation Services
We can gather online feedback from your students (CATALyst midterm feedback), or provide you with our perspectives on your online course materials or lectures (observation). To learn more or request these services for online
courses, please see our CATALysts and Observations during COVID-19 webpage.
Online Resources
The Teaching section of our website includes robust resources on creating a syllabus, course design for online teaching, and other evidence-based,
inclusive practices.
Technology Resources
For technical questions regarding how to use Blackboard and other online teaching tools, please see
the training programs and recording archives of past programs offered by our colleagues in Instructional Technology.
While our physical lending library is still currently closed, you may access many great ebooks through the AOK library, including:
- Small Teaching Online by Flower Darby with James Lang
- Online Teaching at Its Best by Linda Nilson and Ludwika Goodson
- Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology by Michelle D. Miller
- Engaging Ideas by John Bean
- How Learning Works by Susan Ambrose
- Specifications Grading by Linda Nilson
- Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide by Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent
- Teaching Undergraduate Science by Linda C. Hodges
- Why Students Resist Learning by Anton Tolman & Janine Kremling
We wish you a safe, relaxing, and productive summer!
Linda, Kerrie, Jennifer, Tory, and SarahPhoto by Yoksel Zok on Unsplash
Posted: June 15, 2021, 10:44 AM