
Karaoke Night for LLC Students!

An event sponsored by the LLC GSO

Hello everybody, A new semester has started… new classes, responsibilities, more sleepless nights, and new excuses to get overwhelmed!!! Why not to take a little break from that? The LLC...

Posted: February 3, 2015, 1:48 PM

Jodi Crandall Fellowship for Research in LLC

Deadline has been extended to February 15th!

The Jodi Crandall Fellowship Award provides support for collaborative, interdisciplinary research by current LLC doctoral students who are working in teams that can include any of the following...

Posted: February 2, 2015, 2:30 PM

Job Opportunity: Specialist at U. of Texas at San Antonio

Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching​

The Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio (, a recognized Hispanic...

Posted: February 2, 2015, 12:56 PM

Lynn Cazabon's Portrait Garden featured on MTA Light Rail

Audio and photo portraits of gardens kept by incarcerated

For the months of December 2014 and January 2015, Portrait Garden was displayed as a series of 100 posters in trains within the Baltimore Light Rail system. This public dissemination was conceived...

Posted: January 30, 2015, 2:20 PM

Graduate Student Fellowship Program

Dresher Center for the Humanities Residential Fellowships

APPLY NOW: Application Deadline for Fall 2015 Fellowship is March 15, 2015 The Dresher Center for the Humanities invites applications for two residential graduate student research fellowships....

Posted: January 30, 2015, 11:58 AM

CFP: Voices of Change Storywork in Activism, Education...

CFP Deadline: March 31, 2015

Voices of Change Storywork in Activism, Education, and Public Service 6th International Digital Storytelling Conference September 25-27, 2015  Principal Venue - Smith College, Northhampton, MA...

Posted: January 29, 2015, 4:59 PM

Karen Cox interviews Prof. King in Pop South

Reflections on the South in Popular Culture

For this installment of Porch Talk, Pop South interviews Nicole King, Associate Professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, about her new book Sombreros and...

Posted: January 28, 2015, 5:06 PM

Lia Purpura, English, in The New Yorker

Writer in Residence has another poem published in New Yorker

In its January 19th issue, The New Yorker published a poem by English Writer in Residence Lia Purpura. The text of Purpura’s poem “Probability” is below. An audio recording of Purpura reading her...

Posted: January 28, 2015, 12:31 PM

Arnold Prize for Outstanding Writing on Baltimore History

Revised Submission Deadline: February 16, 2015

Thanks to the generosity of the Byrnes Family In Memory of Joseph R. and Anne S. Byrnes the Baltimore City Historical Society presents an annual Joseph L. Arnold Prize for Outstanding Writing on...

Posted: January 28, 2015, 11:24 AM

Dennis Coates, Econ, in The Buffalo News

Discussing economic impact of sports and entertainment

As the discussion continues surrounding a potential new stadium for the Buffalo Bills, an article published January 24 in The Buffalo News examines the possible economic impact of a major sports...

Posted: January 28, 2015, 9:28 AM