
15th Imagining American Conference

America Will Be! The Art and Power of "Weaving Our We"

15th Annual Imagining America Conference America Will Be!  The Art and Power of "Weaving Our We" September 30th - October 3rd Baltimore, Maryland Hosted by UMBC Co-sponsored by MICA and...

Posted: September 26, 2015, 3:56 PM

Job Offer: Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor

Communicating and Organizing

UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER Department of Communication Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor: Communicating and Organizing The Department of Communication in the College of Media,...

Posted: September 25, 2015, 11:42 AM

Rebecca Adelman, MCS, Analyzes Consumption of Syrian Images

Public interpretation of imagery related to Syrian refugees

In a recent article posted on Antenna‘s website, Rebecca Adelman, an associate professor of media and communication studies, examined public reaction to the images of Aylan Kurdi. “I am not...

Posted: September 24, 2015, 12:12 PM

Susan McCully, Theatre, Discusses New Play in Baltimore Sun

Writing about Appalachia in "Kerrmoor"

Susan McCully, Theatre, was highlighted in a September 19 article, “Women’s Voices Theater Festival aims to level the playing field,” by Tim Smith of The Baltimore Sun. Her play Kerrmoor will be...

Posted: September 24, 2015, 12:09 PM

Douglas Lamdin, Econ, Featured on AAII

Studying whether gold mining stocks more like stocks or gold

Douglas Lamdin, Economics, had his recent study featured on the website of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII). The article, “New Evidence on Whether Gold Mining Stocks are...

Posted: September 24, 2015, 12:06 PM

Eric Dyer, Visual Arts, at the Baltimore Museum of Art

Among six artists featured in new exhibition

Eric Dyer, associate professor of Visual Arts, will be among six artists featured in an exhibition at the Baltimore Museum of Art that celebrates the winners of the 2014 and 2015 Baker Artist...

Posted: September 24, 2015, 12:05 PM

Interest in a Career in Physical Therapy?

The Pre-Physical Therapy Society meets every other Wednesday at 12:00 in Public Policy 208. Their next meeting is on Wednesday, October 7. This group would be a great way to connect with others...

Posted: September 24, 2015, 11:01 AM

New Article by Dr. Adelman!

Check out Dr. Adelman's new post on Antenna!:

Posted: September 23, 2015, 9:32 AM

The UMBC Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship

Application Deadline: Friday, October 30, 2015

The Dissertation Fellowship is designed to provide doctoral candidates at UMBC an opportunity to devote the necessary concentration and attention towards finishing the writing of their...

Posted: September 22, 2015, 7:27 PM

Pi Sigma Alpha membership is open

Hi Everyone! The membership drive for Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honors Society, is now open. Membership is open to juniors and seniors who have a GPA of 3.08 and 3.31...

Posted: September 22, 2015, 2:23 PM