
Light City Innovation Conference

With a surprise guest!

Over the weekend, Markus Proctor discussed the importance of youth and diversity in entrepreneurship with some of the most inspiring individuals in the region. Without prior notice, Mayor...

Posted: April 5, 2016, 3:43 PM

Joan Shin & Jodi Crandall honored as leaders in TESOL

For its 50th anniversary, the TESOL International Association has recognized 50 professionals who have made significant contributions to TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages)...

Posted: April 5, 2016, 10:09 AM

Commons Art Program Speaker Series: Donald Bliss of NIH

Learn about medical illustration!

Donny Bliss, a medical illustrator from NIH, is coming to speak during free hour on Wednesday April 20, in Commons 331 as part of the Commons Art Program. He creates scientific visualizations...

Posted: April 4, 2016, 3:49 PM

CAHSS New Faculty Micro-Talks on April 5th, 4-5 P.M.

Six new faculty in the College will present short talks

Join us on Tuesday, April 5th, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Imaging Research Center (ITE 108A). The Dresher Center for the Humanities, in partnership with The College of Arts, Humanities and Social...

Posted: April 4, 2016, 1:56 PM

Congratulations to the Women's Swim Team!

For winning their second straight American East Championship

The Women's Swim Team won the American East Championship! INDS student Kayla Lilly is a member of the team. Congratulations to all!  Here are two website following up with their win:...

Posted: April 1, 2016, 9:57 AM

CFP: #SCREENTIME: Technological Affordances and Constraints

Graduate Student Conference

Deadline for Abstracts: May 1, 2016 Conference Date: June 23, 2016 Boston University College of Communication 9am - 5pm #SCREENTIME: Technological Affordances and Constraints in Mediated Life...

Posted: March 30, 2016, 9:05 PM

CFP: 2nd LLC Graduate Student Conference

Participate and Spread the Word

We are happy to share with the LLC community the Call for Papers for our 2nd LLC Graduate Conference. Mark your calendars: the conference will be on October 1st 2016. The deadline for submissions...

Posted: March 29, 2016, 4:36 PM

Announcing the Final Examination of Anissa Sorokin

Dissertation Defense

Title: “The Hardest Part was Writing the Songs, but the Easiest Part was Motivation”: Music-Centered Pedagogy in the College Composition Classroom This qualitative teacher-researcher study...

Posted: March 29, 2016, 1:48 PM