Free Non-Perishable Food and Free Winter Clothing

Retriever Essentials

If you are a student having an issue with having enough food to eat, please be aware that Retriever Essentials has six (6) locations on campus where you can pick up a FREE bag of nonperishable food.  Please visit the website below to see locations.

If you are unable to afford or it is a hardship for you to purchase a warm winter coat, hat, scarves or gloves, please contact Julie Rosenthal at julier@umbc.eduto arrange a time to pick up any of these items from our "Coat Closet." Available by appointment only.

Free breakfast, lunch and snacks are available at the Women's Center in Commons. The Women's Center is open to everyone.

Grocery store food coupons are available at Off Campus Student Services. If you purchase an item on sale and use a food coupon, you'll save even more money.

If you need assistance with other issues, please contact Ms. Lauren Kataja at

Posted: February 19, 2019, 10:59 AM