New book from Dr. Marina Adler, Sociology & Anthropology

Marina A. Adler of UMBC and Karl Lenz of the Dresden University of Technology in Germany have published a new book entitled Father Involvement in the Early Years: An International Comparison of Policy and Practice.

Fatherhood is in transition and being challenged by often contradictory forces: societal mandates to be both an active father and provider, men’s own wish to be more involved with their children, and the institutional arrangements in which fathers work and live. Adler's book explores these phenomena in the context of cross-national policies and their relation to the daily childcare practices of fathers. It presents the current state of knowledge on father involvement with young children in six countries from different welfare state regimes with unique policies related to parenting in general and fathers in particular: Finland, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, the UK and the USA.

More information can be found at the University of Chicago Press

Posted: January 23, 2016, 7:11 PM