INDS Students Presenting at URCAD


Keren Herran | Analysis Of Mental Well-being Of Environmental Migrants In Maryland: A Comparison Study | Dawn Biehler | Geography and Environmental Systems

Woo Koo | Impact of Pediatric Chronic Illnesses on Family Functioning | Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

Mickey Muscalli | Heuristic Searching For Good “Xeno Alphabets” Of Amino Acids | Stephen Freeland | Individualized Study

Zachary Neuhaus | Disaster-Resilient Information Communication Technologies For Disaster Management | Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

Megan O’Neill | The Redesign Of The MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Steven McApline | Individualized Study

Paul Ocone | Dis/joint: Unification Of Sound, Music, Narrative, And Animation In Liz And The Blue Bird | Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

Andrew Park | Understanding Emotional And Persuasive Design For Digital Products In Entrepreneurship: An Integrative Case Study | Andrea Kleinsmith | Information Systems

Dominique Ross | Public Health in Northern Brazil’s Refugee Borderlands | Felipe Filomeno | Political Science

Posted: April 20, 2021, 9:41 AM