Teaching STEM √
How does grading factor into creating an inclusive class?
Date & Time
January 19, 2022, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
How do we make our STEM classes inclusive and effective for our diverse students today? A number of approaches can contribute to a positive classroom climate for all our students, supporting their success in different ways–for example, using active learning approaches can help us cultivate a growth mindset and self-efficacy in our students. But something we may think about less often is how grading factors into all our well-meaning intentions. Join your colleagues for a discussion of an example of ungrading, an approach that strives to focus students more on their learning than on their performance as measured by grades. We’ll look at a chapter from the book, Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead) by Susan Blum, 2020, specifically:
Participants may access the ebook online at any time through the AOK library in advance of the session using the following step-by-step instructions:
√ Counts toward the ALIT Certificate
- Sorensen-Unruh’s “A STEM Ungrading Case Study: A Reflection on First-Time Implementation in Organic Chemistry II” (Chapter 9, pp. 140-160).
Participants may access the ebook online at any time through the AOK library in advance of the session using the following step-by-step instructions:
- Log into myUMBC
- Go to the AOK Library Website
- In the AOK OneSearch box, type the book title and press Search
- Locate the ebook, and click on the link to Online Access under the descriptive information