Exploring Gender Ambiguity & Non-Conformity in Arabic
March 8th with Dima Ayoub
Exploring Gender Ambiguity & Non-Conformity in Arabic – Online Event
Date & Time
March 8, 2021, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
During the last few decades, gender activists in the Arabworld and the Arab diaspora have contended with andchallenged the limitations assumed to be inherent in Arabic’sbinary gender system. Thetalk will consider embeddedgrammatical features in the Arabic language and theirpotential for gender expression beyond the binary.
Link to join the meeting is above. If you registered in advance, you should have received a calendar invitation to your email. If you didn't, or have questions, please email eaever@umbc.edu.
Dima Ayoub is an Assistant Professor of Arabic and C.V. Starr Junior Faculty Fellow in International Studies at Middlebury College where she was also the former director of the Middle East studies program. Her book manuscript Paratext and Power: Modern Arabic Literature in Translation rewrites the social and cultural history of modern Arabic literature in translation by centering the role of publishers, translators and paratexts, in addition to writers. She specializes in translation studies, feminist and queer theory and postcolonial studies. Parallel to her book project, Dr. Ayoub is currently developing a digital archive of modern Arabic literature in English, French, German and Spanish translation. Her most recent publications appeared in the Journal of Translation Studies, the Journal of Arabic Literature and Middle Eastern Literatures and in the edited collection, Multilingual Literature as World Literature with Bloomsbury.