The Judith Shinogle Award Lecture
Featuring Kiki Malomo-Paris
The Judith Shinogle Award Lecture – Online Event
Date & Time
November 5, 2020, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
The School of Public Policy's annual Shinogle Award Lecture will be held Thursday, November 5th at 5pm, via Webex.
This year's awardee and presenter is doctoral candidate Kiki Malomo-Paris.
She will be presenting her talk “Variation in Perinatal Health Outcomes among Low-Income Census Tracts: an analysis of the impact of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit unit receipt.”
I hope you will be able to join us in honoring Dr. Shinogle's memory as well as Ms. Malomo-Paris's research, and please feel free to circulate widely.