Staff Elections 20-21
Complete the Google Form ballot
Online : Google Form
April 22, 2020 – May 8, 2020 (All Day Event)
Please read carefully before filling out this form to vote for next year's officers. The ballot is linked in Visit Website button at the bottom of this post.
While students do not have to have been heavily involved with our journal, students have found it far easier to navigate their duties when they were familiar with our processes or those of other publications.
The first three positions require the most dedication of time, while the Section Editors are the busiest during the month of December.
The positions of Website Coordinator and Social Media Specialist can be held by another officer, if they so desire, but the Senior Managing Editor, Junior Managing Editor and Lead Copyeditor cannot hold other positions within Bartleby. Section Editors can only lead one section (the Art editor cannot also be Fiction editor).
Our Officer positions run thusly:
- Senior Managing Editor:
- Responsible for planning events and delegating tasks, arranging monthly meetings, and facilitating the Creative Writing Workshops, the selection process at the end of the fall semester and the editorial process which spans the winter and spring semesters;
- Junior Managing Editor:
- Treasurer and Secretary, advises SME, assists during the selection and editorial processes;
- Lead Copy Editor:
- Guides the editorial process, starting in the second week of January and ending in late March, aided by four or more assistant copy editors, checks the grammar and flow of works accepted and ensures the accuracy of the journal after edits have been made, up until the document is sent to the print shop;
- Section Editors (Poetry, Art, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction):
- Assist during Bartleby events such as Poetry Night, the Homecoming Poetry Slam, and writing workshops, facilitate meetings in December to select works to be published;
- Website Coordinator:
- Update Bartleby’s website and myUMBC group page as needed;
- Social Media Specialist:
- Manage Bartleby’s Facebook page and Instagram account, promote Bartleby events and other literary events on and off-campus.
NOTE: Not all of our officer positions received nominees. If a position is left empty this spring, an officer will be elected at the start of the fall semester. The positions that have not received nominations are included on this ballot. They do not require an answer. If you would like to volunteer for those positions, please submit your name and UMBC email address and your position will be confirmed in the fall.
You will only be able to respond once. If you have any questions, please reach out to before submitting.
Thank you!