WILL+ Trip to the Baltimore Book Festival
Off Campus
Date & Time
November 3, 2019, 9:55 am – 4:30 pm
We are gearing up for our WILL+ outing to Brilliant Baltimore--the combined Baltimore Book Festival and annual Light City event (more info here: https://brilliantbaltimore.com).
We are going to visit the festival on Sunday, November 3, leaving on the shuttle at 10 am and returning on the 4:30 pm (unless you choose to hang around to see Light City after dark). Please meet no later than 9:55am at the Park Road & Poplar bus stop to take the shuttle into town together. Lunch will be provided.
We'll have time to peruse the book festival, and we've chosen two really good panels to attend, ONE STARRING OUR OWN DR. KATE! See schedule below.
We need to get a head count in advance the trip, so please email Dr. Kate at drabinsk@umbc.edu and let us know if you're coming. Looking forward to exploring the book festival and experiencing our city with all of you!
Some great Sunday 11/3 events:
1:00 pm: Erica Armstrong Dunbar Presents: She Came to Slay – The Life and Times of Harriet Tubman (https://brilliantbaltimore.com/event/erica-armstrong-dunbar-presents-she-came-to-slay-the-life-and-times-of-harriet-tubman/)
2:00 pm: Baltimore Revisited with Michael Casiano, Kate Drabinski, Nicole Fabricant, Ashley Minner, and Nicole King (https://brilliantbaltimore.com/event/baltimore-revisited-with-michael-casiano-kate-drabinski-nicole-fabricant-ashley-minner-and-nicole-king/)
Here's the full Book Festival schedule: https://brilliantbaltimore.com/schedule/
Here's more on Light City: https://brilliantbaltimore.com/light-city/about-light-city/