English Presentations at URCAD
University Center
April 22, 2015 (All Day Event)
This year at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD), the English Department has several exciting student presentations. We invite the UMBC community to come out and show support for the work of our talented students as they present their research in the University Center on April 22, 2015. The schedule of English presentations is listed below. Congratulations to each of our stellar students. We look forward to seeing you all in attendance at this exciting event.
"Bartleby 2015: A Collaborative Creation" (Lobby, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM)
Students: Daniela Mujica-Martorell and Stephen Kelly
Students: Daniela Mujica-Martorell and Stephen Kelly
Mentors: Sally Shivnan and Guenet Abraham
"Examining the Intersections of Bildungsroman and Immigration Narratives in Contemporary United States Fiction" (UC 312, 2:45 PM)
Student: Arielle Erenrich
Mentor: Jessica Berman
"Nontraditional Students in the Writing Center" (UC 312, 3:00 PM)
Student: Juliana Venegas
Mentor: Anissa Sorokin
"The Alien, Alien: Depictions of Race in Star Trek's Final Frontier" (UC 312, 3:15 PM)
Student: Rahel Worku
Mentor: Jessica Berman