Politics and the Past, Present, and Future of Education
with Dr. Agustina Paglayan, UC San Diego
Public Policy : 367
Date & Time
March 28, 2025, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
At this event, Agustina Paglayan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego will talk about her new book, Raised to Obey: The Rise, Spread, and Future of Mass Education, (Princeton University Press, 2024).
Nearly every country today has universal primary education. But why did governments in the West decide to provide education to all children in the first place? In Raised to Obey, Agustina Paglayan offers an unsettling answer. The introduction of broadly accessible primary education was not mainly a response to industrialization, or fueled by democratic ideals, or even aimed at eradicating illiteracy or improving skills. It was motivated instead by elites’ fear of the masses—and the desire to turn the “savage,” “unruly,” and “morally flawed” children of the lower classes into well-behaved future citizens who would obey the state and its laws. Drawing on unparalleled evidence from two centuries of education provision in Europe and the Americas, the book shows that governments invested in primary schools when internal threats heightened political elites’ anxiety around mass violence and the breakdown of social order. The objective of disciplining children remains at the core of how most public schools operate today. The future of education systems—and their ability to strengthen democracy, promote learning, and serve as "the great equalizer"—hinges on coming to terms with this troubling history.
All are welcome! Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Denise Kedzierski: kedziers@umbc.edu.
Receive 30% off the purchase of Dr. Paglayan's book with discount code AUEV30.
Hosted by the Department of Economics and cosponsored by the Center for Social Science Scholarship.