Breakfast with the Deans
At the Provost's Teaching and Learning Symposium!
University Center : Ballroom
Date & Time
September 27, 2024, 9:00 am – 9:30 am
We invite you to start your Symposium experience by joining our Deans over breakfast! Deans of CAHSS, CNMS, COEIT, ESAS, and UAA will be present to chat with you about how well we support student success in our classes and programs, how we could improve, and strategies to strengthen the effectiveness of our teaching and student support. The following Deans will attend:
- Dana Burr Bradley, Dean, Erickson School of Aging Studies
- Stephen Freeland, Interim Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- Kathleen Hoffman, Associate Dean, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences
- Anupam Joshi, Acting Dean, College of Engineering and Information Technology
- Kimberly R. Moffitt, Dean, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
This registration is ONLY for the breakfast from 9:00-9:30 a.m. For information on the full symposium, including an agenda and program, please see this post.
Breakfast will be provided to all registered participants, please click “Going” below to reserve your seat for this session. Please email
to note any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, food
allergies, etc.) by Thursday, September 19. The deadline to register
for this event is the earlier of Thursday, September 19 or when the
event reaches capacity. Please email
to be added to a wait list if the event is full. If you have
registered and find that you can no longer attend, please kindly release
your spot so that others may attend.
Please note that Breakfast with the Deans is open to faculty and staff only.
Registration is now closed. Please email to be added to a waiting list and be notified if a seat opens up.