Active Assailant Preparedness Training
A session for faculty led by UMBC's Emergency Manager.
Mathematics/Psychology : 106
Date & Time
March 16, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Given the continuing incidents of shootings on college campuses, we understand that you may be concerned about how to react in the moment if such an event were to happen at UMBC. This session is open to all faculty and will be led by UMBC's Emergency Manager, John Schaible.
There will be two sessions, March 16 and March 27. Register for ONE session only. Attendees are welcome to bring their lunch.
Please click “Going” below to reserve your seat for this
session. If you have
registered and find that you can no longer attend, please kindly release
your spot so that others may attend. Faculty may email
to be added to a wait list if this event reaches the limited capacity
of the room and we will be in touch if a seat opens up or if we are able
to schedule additional sessions.
In response to many queries, please note that sessions of this training program for staff and all members of our community are
being offered. Additional sessions will be announced on the Training myUMBC group as they are scheduled. Departments and units can also
request this training specifically for their department.
3/15/2023: At this time, we are no longer keeping a waiting list for this event. Any remaining seats are open to any member of
our community who wishes to attend. If the event is not full, simply register by clicking the "Going" button below to reserve your seat.