CANCELED: Fun Things You Can Do with Rubrics √ §
An In Person Kinesthetic Walkthrough!
University Center : 312
Date & Time
September 13, 2022, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm – Canceled
PLEASE NOTE: This event has been canceled.
Fun Things You Can Do with Rubrics & Direct Learning Evidence: A Kinesthetic Walkthrough
You already know about rubrics, in fact, you’ve used them to speed up feedback to students, make grading more consistent, and demonstrate to students how to grow as learners using rubrics to analyze and improve their work.* In this session, we challenge you to extend your rubric skills through collaborative kinesthetic co-creation of a rubric. We begin with a physical version of the FDC rubric template. Each team will craft a criterion row, align the learning defined to course and program outcomes, and walk us through their analysis. We’ll then use our synthesized spatial rubric to assess student samples, examine the direct measure evidence that emerges, and consider how it informs student learning of the assignment, course, program, and institutional outcomes. Finally, we bridge these data to sample indirect data and reflect on potential insights.
- Faster, Easier, and More Effective … Grading? on March 9, 2022
- Student-Activated Rubrics: Creating a Pathway to Deepen Student Learning on October 21, 2021
- Recharging Your Rubrics: Clarify Communication & Fast Track Your Feedback with Rubrics Online on November 17, 2020
Please email for a link to the recording and resources from these sessions.
Lunch will be provided to all registered participants, please click “Going” below to reserve your seat for this session. Please email
to note any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, food
allergies, etc.) by Tuesday, September 6. The deadline to register
for this event is the earlier of Tuesday, September 6 or when the
event reaches capacity. Please email
to be added to a wait list if the event is full. If you have
registered and find that you can no longer attend, please kindly release
your spot so that others may attend.
§ Counts toward the INNOVATE Certificate
Part of the FDC Leadership & Teaching Series
Launched in March 2018!
Sessions in this series are designed to help you to reflect on challenges in collegiate teaching and how you, in your role as a formal or informal leader at UMBC, can contribute to innovative solutions. Faculty and staff colleagues will address specific challenges in interactive presentations designed to help you explore key questions, for example:
Launched in March 2018!
Sessions in this series are designed to help you to reflect on challenges in collegiate teaching and how you, in your role as a formal or informal leader at UMBC, can contribute to innovative solutions. Faculty and staff colleagues will address specific challenges in interactive presentations designed to help you explore key questions, for example:
- How can you use research to improve teaching, learning, and curriculum design?
- How can you connect to other teaching leaders to identify common challenges and devise shared solutions?
- How can you contribute to a collaborative culture of evidence-based teaching to improve student learning?
- How can you identify policies, processes, and technologies that make it easier to gather and use evidence of student learning?
- Are chairs, deans, graduate program directors, or have formal leadership roles, or
- Have informal leadership roles or who aspire to be campus leaders.
Please note that this is an in person program with lunch! Therefore, registration will close on September 6 or when we reach capacity. Funding for in person
programs is limited, so we ask that you please commit to coming upon registration and kindly release
your spot if you can no longer attend.
PLEASE NOTE: This event has been canceled.