GWST Student Award Event
Fine Arts : 404
Date & Time
May 17, 2022, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Please join the faculty and staff of the Gender, Women's, + Sexuality Studies department as we celebrate our award-winning graduates with the live and in person festivities we have so missed over the past several years.
Jo Ann E. Argersinger Academic Achievement Award
Finch Grace (2021-2022)
LaTanya Jones-Hamlin (2021-2022)
Autumn Cook (2020-2021)
Terri Crosby (2020-2021)
Dillion Hopson Allen (2020-2021)
Sebastian McNary (2020-2021)
Arden Blacker (2020-2021)
Joan S. Korenman Outstanding Service Award
Darcie Adams (2021-2022)
Sofia Encarnacion (2020-2021)
Jordan Packett (2020-2021)
Award winners, program majors, minors, and certificate students, and friends and family are all invited. Please RSVP here so we know how many trays of treats to bring. We are so excited to celebrate the achievements of the remarkable scholars, activists, and organizers of GWST at UMBC!